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George's Marvellous Business Studies & Economic Resources

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Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.




Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.
Business Aims & Objectives - Profit, Survival, Business Growth & Good Service -Business Studies

Business Aims & Objectives - Profit, Survival, Business Growth & Good Service -Business Studies

A nice lesson on the typical aims and objectives of businesses and companies. The lesson looks at the difference between a business aim and a business objective with relevant examples. The lesson also looks at mission statements and key examples of aims and objectives of both small and large businesses. There are numerous tasks throughout the PPT which link in well to the key theory. The lesson includes a brief description of a small businesses main aims; profit, provide a good service, survival and growth. Tasks include a nice traffic light quiz where students need to guess which businesses aim is being shown on the board. I have also included a nice 10 question multiple choice quiz that focuses on aims and enterprise. Perfect for GCSE Business Studies.
Business Plans - GCSE Business Studies - PPT & Create Your Own Business Plan Task

Business Plans - GCSE Business Studies - PPT & Create Your Own Business Plan Task

A bumper lesson on a business plans. The presentation looks at what a business plan is and how it helps a business reduce risk. The lesson covers the main pros and cons of developing a business plan and the most important headings of a business plan. There are a number of tasks throughout the lesson to help keep students engaged. The lesson finishes with students asked to fill in a business plan template of their own business idea (this has been included). I have also included a simple worksheet on the various headings in a typical business plan. This lesson is perfect for GCSE Business Studies and Setting up a New Business unit. This lesson could easily stretched across a few periods as it will take time for students to complete their own business plans plus they could also present their idea and plan to the class.
The Marketing Mix - Product - 4 P's - PPT, Quiz and Worksheet

The Marketing Mix - Product - 4 P's - PPT, Quiz and Worksheet

A bumper selection of resources to help you teach the product element of the marketing mix. The detailed PPT looks at product and key information on this topic. I have included a nice quiz that covers many questions on product and the product life cycle - perfect for a starter activity. I have also included a detailed worksheet on product and the other 3 P’s of the marketing mix. This lesson is great for GCSE Business Studies.
Place - The Marketing Mix - 4 P's - E-Commerce & Distribution Channels - Business Studies GCSE & AS

Place - The Marketing Mix - 4 P's - E-Commerce & Distribution Channels - Business Studies GCSE & AS

A bumper selection of resources to help you teach the place element of the marketing mix. This detailed PPT looks at place and key information on this topic. I have looked at the three types of distribution channels and how e-commerce has impacted businesses and place. There are numerous tasks and relevant examples throughout the presentation to keep students engaged. I have also included a nice summary task to be used after all of the marketing mix is taught, where students need to create a marketing mix presentation on a product they really want for Christmas. A great lesson for GCSE Business Studies.
Specialisation & Division of Labour - Economics / Microeconomics - GCSE & AS Level

Specialisation & Division of Labour - Economics / Microeconomics - GCSE & AS Level

A detailed selection of resources to help introduce division of labour, specialistion and productivity. The PPT covers a lot of key theory and includes tasks throughout. These include labour productivity and capital productivity calculations. I have also included a pros and cons worksheet that helps consolidate the learning… Ideal for GCSE and AS microeconomics.
Factors of Production - Microeconomics - PPT & Worksheet - GCSE & AS Level - Economics

Factors of Production - Microeconomics - PPT & Worksheet - GCSE & AS Level - Economics

A good selection of resources and activities to help teach factors of production. The PPT covers a lot of key theory for economics and the four factors of production with relevant examples. The PPT has numerous tasks throughout including a nice factors of production timeline activity. I have also included a nice and detailed worksheet that covers key economics concepts including factors of production and scarcity. Ideal for GCSE and AS microeconomics.
Price - Pricing Strategies - The Marketing Mix - 4 P's - Business Studies - GCSE & AS Level

Price - Pricing Strategies - The Marketing Mix - 4 P's - Business Studies - GCSE & AS Level

A bumper selection of resources to help you teach the price and pricing strategies of the marketing mix. This detailed PPT looks at price and key information on this topic. There are clear definitions for each of the main pricing strategies each with relevant examples. There are numerous tasks and relevant examples throughout the presentation to keep students engaged. The PPT includes a nice task where students need to read a business scenario and recommend what pricing strategy should be used. I have also included a nice quiz on marketing as a great lesson starter. A perfect lesson for GCSE Business Studies.
Motivation - Revision Lesson - Exam Style Questions for People in Business - Quiz, PPT & Worksheet

Motivation - Revision Lesson - Exam Style Questions for People in Business - Quiz, PPT & Worksheet

A great lesson that covers the recruitment section of People in Business. The lesson looks at teaching recruitment and how to answer a 9 mark exam question. The lesson is split into four sections; knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Each section builds up to answering a 9 mark exam question. A really useful lesson that not only re-caps on a key topic, but also helps students fully understand how to answer the high mark questions. There is a detailed PPT with many tasks and a very useful worksheet. I have also included a great starter activity. Perfect for GCSE Business Studies.
The Recruitment Process - People in Business - Stages of Recruitment - Business Studies - GCSE

The Recruitment Process - People in Business - Stages of Recruitment - Business Studies - GCSE

A great lesson that cover the main stages of the recruitment process. The lesson has many tasks throughout and the theory is backed up by numerous examples. The lesson looks at the difference between internal and external recruitment. The lesson also included a typical 9 mark exam question and provides tips on how to answer these types of questions. I have included a nice quiz starter activity that introduces some key people in business topics. I have also included a detailed recruitment process worksheet. Great for GCSE Business Studies.
Sources of Finance - Business Studies - GCSE & AS Level - PPT, Worksheet & Activity

Sources of Finance - Business Studies - GCSE & AS Level - PPT, Worksheet & Activity

A bumper selection of resources for teaching sources of finance. I have included detailed PPT’s on the many types of sources of finance available for businesses. I have also included a student version they can fill in when the teacher is explaining each one. I have also included a summary PPT that looks at the main sources of finance that are likely to be featured in exams. This includes a nice task where students need to create a sources of finance flyer. I have also included a simple worksheet on sources of finance. These resources should last for 2-3 lessons and will help teach a topic that is sometimes hard to keep students engaged.
Operations - Operational Efficiency - Improve Productivity - Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

Operations - Operational Efficiency - Improve Productivity - Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

A nice lesson to teach operational efficiency. The lesson covers ways to improve a businesses operations. It looks at how lowering costs can impact quality. There are numerous tasks throughout the PPT and relevant examples. The tasks include worksheets on calculating labour and capital productivity. There is also a nice You Say We Pay group task. The lesson includes a nice worksheet on the operations topic for GCSE Business Studies.
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) - Microeconomics -  Elastic & Inelastic Goods - PPT & Tasks

Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) - Microeconomics - Elastic & Inelastic Goods - PPT & Tasks

A great lesson that teaches prices elasticity of demand (PED). The lesson includes all the key theory behind the concept of elasticity, the difference between elastic and inelastic goods and how to calculate price elasticity of demand. The lesson also looks at elastic and inelastic demand curves. There are many tasks throughout the lesson including a product list task, guess the demand curve task and many tasks on calculating the price elasticity of demand - starting with a simple table tick task, leading up to deep calculations using the PED formula. A perfect lesson for introducing a tough topic. This lesson could be used for both GCSE and AS Level Economics.
Methods of Motivation - Non-Financial / Non-Monetary - People in Business - GCSE  - PPT & Worksheet

Methods of Motivation - Non-Financial / Non-Monetary - People in Business - GCSE - PPT & Worksheet

A nice lesson on non-financial methods of motivation. The lesson has many tasks throughout, including a nice movie motivation starter task and a worksheet on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The lesson includes all the key non-monetary motivation theory with examples. I have also included a nice motivation worksheet that fits in well after the lesson is taught. Perfect for the People in Business topic for GCSE Business Studies.
Quality Control & Total Quality Management (TQM) - Operations - Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

Quality Control & Total Quality Management (TQM) - Operations - Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

A detailed lesson on teaching quality control and the benefits and drawbacks of a firm adopting Total Quality Management. The lesson also looks at what makes a quality product , the benefits of producing a quality product and how quality can be measured. The lesson has nice clear theory and includes relevant examples. I have also included a detailed worksheet on the theory covered and other areas of operations. This lesson is perfect for GCSE Business Studies but could be adapted for A-Level Business Studies.
The National Minimum Wage & Mobility of Labour - Economics - Labour Markets - GCSE

The National Minimum Wage & Mobility of Labour - Economics - Labour Markets - GCSE

A detailed lesson on the National Minimum Wage and the mobility of labour. This lesson continues with the labour markets and covers two important topics. The lesson starts with key theory on the National Minimum Wage, the PPT looks at the pros and cons of the NMW and introduces the National Living Wage. The lesson includes the latest minimum wage figures and can help bring up a great discussion with your class on how income is distributed across the UK. The lesson then continues by looking at how mobility of labour and the immobility of labour can have a huge impact on the labour market. The lesson looks at both geographical and occupational mobility and immobility of labour. The lesson finishes with numerous questions on the topics covered in the PPT. This lesson is perfect for GCSE Economics and could easily be adapted for A-Level standard.
The Labour Market - Wage Differences / Differentials - Why People are Paid Differently - Economics

The Labour Market - Wage Differences / Differentials - Why People are Paid Differently - Economics

A bumper lesson that looks at the many different reasons people are paid different wages / salaries across the country. The lesson looks at key theory from compensating wage, different skill levels, trade unions, discrimination to the elasticity of the supply and demand of labour. The lesson includes relevant examples to help easily explain each wage differential. The lesson builds up to a past exam question where students need to answer why doctors get paid more nurses. A perfect lesson for GCSE Economics and Business Studies and could easily be used / adapted for A-Level lessons.
Labour Market - Wage Differentials - Exam Technique & Key Theory - GCSE Economics - 8 Mark Questions

Labour Market - Wage Differentials - Exam Technique & Key Theory - GCSE Economics - 8 Mark Questions

A great lesson that focuses on the wage differentials between doctors and nurses. The lesson is built around the following exam question: Discuss the reasons why doctors are paid more than nurses. The lesson is split into four sections and helps students know how to show 1. Knowledge, 2. Application, 3. Analysis and 4. Evaluation skills. The lesson is a great aid to both a key labour market topic but also a brilliant way of getting students ready for their higher mark exam questions. A perfect resource for GCSE Economics and possibly Business Studies. The lesson could be adapted for A-Level Economics.
Factors Influencing International Competitiveness - Economics - Productivity Globally - GCSE

Factors Influencing International Competitiveness - Economics - Productivity Globally - GCSE

This lesson looks at six of the main factors that can influence how competitive an economy can be. The six main influences are productivity, inflation, exchange rates, tax rates, infrastructure and cost of doing business. Each influence is covered nice detail and include examples. The lesson complete with a nice group work task where students have to consider 3 - 4 policies that the UK government could implement to help make the country more competitive. Students need to look at the pros and cons of each policy and the likely short and long term implications of your policies. A great lesson for GCSE Economics and Business Studies. This lesson could also be adapted for A-Level.
Franchises / Franchising - Pros & Cons of Using a Franchise - Business Studies - AS-Level

Franchises / Franchising - Pros & Cons of Using a Franchise - Business Studies - AS-Level

A detailed lesson on franchises. The lesson is targeted for AS / A-Level Business Studies students. The lesson looks at the pros and cons of the franchise model and what it may mean to entrepreneurs and the various pros and cons. The lesson also includes a detailed look at how McDonalds operates into franchising model. I have included a nice starter quiz and a detailed worksheet to help consolidate the learning from the PPT. This lesson is aimed at AS / A-Level Business Studies students but the lesson could be adapted for GCSE Business Studies.
Aggregate Demand, Consumption & The Level of Economic Activity - A-Level Macroeconomics / Economics

Aggregate Demand, Consumption & The Level of Economic Activity - A-Level Macroeconomics / Economics

A detailed extension of aggregate demand theory and a detailed look at the consumption function and MPC. Perfect for year 2 A-Level macroeconomics. Main Aim: Students will expand their theory of AD and look at how consumption can be looked to through both the consumption function and MPC. Students will also look at the Multiplier concept. This lesson covers the following areas: Consumption The consumption function and graph Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) Influences on MPC The multiplier effect The reserve multiplier. The lesson concludes with exam-based questions on a news article. This lesson could easily last 2 hours.